Telkom Internet Speed Test

Telkom Internet Speed Test checks how fast is your internet speed. Simply press ‘GO’ and will test download, upload, ping, and jitter speed.

How to perform Telkom Internet Speed Test?

  1. Open a browser and type
  2. Select a Host ISP or let it choose the optimal ISP automatically.
  3. Press the ‘GO’ button to start the Internet Speed Test.

Telkom is an ICT firm that offers its services across the continent of South Africa. It is functioning in more than 38 African states. It is a 39% state-owned enterprise. South Africa started the functioning of mobiles in 1994 which were supported by Telkom with Vodafone as a partner. It is structured under the group CEO. In August 2015, Telkom acquired a Business Connexion with a price of approximately ZAR 2.6 billion. It aimed to obtain a noteworthy existence in the market of Information Technology (IT) in South Africa.

Products and services

Today, this company is leading in the market in terms of broadband space, and has more than 500,000 clients on 2-40 Mbit/s DSL; it is also dominating the managed services market with over 250 corporate clients on the order book. Based on its annual report of 2008, Telkom SA runs 4.5M fixed access lines.

It offers fixed-line, mobile, data, and information technology (IT) services. Its main aim is to give its users a better life.

  • Telkom ADSL

The ADSL retail services are provided by Telkom via Telkom Wholesale to the licensed operators and through its ISP Telkom Internet to the business customers and consumers. Many of the ISPs in South Africa use the copper infrastructure of Telkom for reselling ADSL services.

  • Telkom 3G

Since 2008, Telkom has been offering its 3G products. Initially, the coverage was confined to a minor part of the nation. Under the brand 8ta, Telkom arrived in the South African Cellular market. The network was publically launched on October 14, 2010, and the products have been offered since October 18, 2010, supporting the 3G services and GSM also. The latest cellular networks that have 384kbits/s and above data rates are UMTS FDD and TDD, cdma2000 1x EVDO, cdma2000 3x, TD-SCDMA, Arab WCDMA, EDGE, IMT-2000 DECT i.e. 3G networks.

Telkom has established LTE on the 2300 MHz frequency band which offers several speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s.

  • Telkom Music

Telkom music was launched by Telkom with the partnership of Tencent Africa. It is a music streaming facility that is accessible through Telkom music that is driven by the JOOX app in South Africa (July 22, 2021). It was revised by the founder of World Wide Worx i.e. Arthur Goldstuck.

Telkom Customer Service

Phone Number(s):



For contacting Telkom in case of any issues, customers can get help from this link!k=get-help-home

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