Vodafone APN Settings

Vodafone APN settings are required to set up a connection between Vodafone wireless network and the internet. Find Vodafone APN settings for Android and iPhone.

How to change Vodafone APN settings?


  1. Go to Settings and click on Mobile Networks > Vodafone SIM Settings.
  2. Select Access Point Names and click (+) Add New APN.
  3. Enter the values and click Save.

Mobile Data / Internet Settings

NameVodafone internet
APN (Pay as you go customers)wap.vodafone.co.uk
APN (Pay monthly customers)pp.vodafone.co.uk
MMS proxy212.183.137.12
MMS port8799
Authentication typeNot set
APN typedefault,mms,supl

No changes are required in the remaining options.


The APN settings are automatically detected in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 and later.

You can view the APN settings in one of the following locations:

  • Settings > Mobile Data > Vodafone SIM > Mobile Data Network
  • Settings > Cellular > Vodafone SIM > Cellular Network

To manually add the Vodafone APN settings for iOS devices, use the following details:

Cellular Data / Mobile Data

NameVodafone internet
APN (Pay as you go customers)wap.vodafone.co.uk
APN (Pay monthly customers)pp.vodafone.co.uk
MMS proxy212.183.137.012:8799
Authentication typeNot set
APN typedefault,mms,supl

Click on Reset Settings to revert back to the default settings.

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