heya Internet Speed Test checks how fast is your internet speed. Simply press ‘GO’ and Speed.is will test download, upload, ping, and jitter speed.
How to perform heya Internet Speed Test?
- Open a browser and type https://speed.is/sg/heya/.
- Select a Host ISP or let it choose the optimal ISP automatically.
- Press the ‘GO’ button to start the Internet Speed Test.
Heya is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) in Singapore. It was launched in 2022 and operates under Singtel’s network. Heya’s goal is to offer affordable and flexible mobile plans with no long-term contracts. Heya offers simple mobile plans with large data allowances, rollover benefits, and affordable roaming options.
Mobile Services
- Basic: The entry level plan offers 200 GB of data, 5 GB of roaming, and up to 500 IDD minutes. This plan also includes 300 local minutes and 50 SMS.
- Advanced: Heya also offer higher tier plans with up to 150 GB of data, 1 GB of roaming data, and up to 100 IDD minutes, all supported by Singtel’s network.
Additional Services
- Data Rollover: Heya allow users to roll over unused data and can accumulate up to 400 GB of data, 200 local minutes, and 2000 IDD minutes, along with 10 GB of roaming data each month.
- Roaming: Heya offers a convenient roaming add-on that provides 1 GB of data for travel in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand for up to 7 days.
- Heya App: The dedicated app allows customers to easily top-up their accounts using credit and debit cards or eNETS. The Heya app also provides easy access to account management, allowing users to manage their plans and services efficiently.
heya Customer Service
Live Chat:
Social Media:
Facebook: @heyamobile
Official Site: